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If Module is TargetGroup then only reading is allowed at the moment.

This returns the normal fields of a target group, and a special field emailAddressListTGMembers. This field includes all emails separated by comma of employees and contacts which are member of the target group.

Marketing Permissions

It is currently not possible to fetch Marketing Permissions directly for contacts.

The current workaround is to use a dataengine and a second plan.

That plan should use as Module ChannelPermission and as Expand Option MarketingPermission.

This returns for each channel (EMail, SMS, Telephone) and each contact one entry. Use the filter Option with Channel eq 'INT' for only E-Mail.

The Consent Field has the value of the consent and the MarketingPermission/BusinessPartnerUUID field has the UUID for the contact.

In the dataengine this UUID needs to be looked up in contacts, this is not the ObjectID returned as ID field.