It’s possible to retrieve child entities from an object.
For example if Object is Account
, the join object could be Contact
to get the Contacts of an Account.
All contact fields in the result are then prefixed with Contact_
Either use Join Object or Query Object, if Join Object is set this query is ignored.
This can be set to use a special query for fetching data, if the default API is not sufficient.
This needs to be a full and valid SOQL Query
Create a connected Oauth App (New connected app) to: [Instance-URL]/lightning/setup/SetupOneHome/home
Then: Setup → PLATTFORM-TOOLS → Apps → App Manager → New connected App- Check API Enable OAuth Settings → Enable OAuth Settings
- Set Callback-URL to (
- Select the following Oauth Scopes:
- Manage user data via APIs (api)
- Perform requests at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)
- The following checkboxes have to be enabled:
- Require Secret for Web Server Flow
- Require Secret for Refresh Token Flow
- Enable Client Credentials Flow
- Enable Authorization Code and Credentials Flow
Modify Permitted Users and IP Relaxation Setup → PLATTFORM-TOOLS → Apps → Connected Apps → Manage Connected Apps → “Manage” Button → “Edit Policies”:
- OAuth-Policies → Permitted User select All users may self-authorize
- OAuth-Policies → IP-Relaxation → select Relax IP restriction
Note Consumer Key and Consumer Secret for Adapter Setup Setup → PLATTFORM-TOOLS → Apps → Connected Apps → Manage Connected Apps → Manage Consumer Details
- Consumer Key - show and keep for adapter options
- Consumer Secret - show an keep for adapter options
The following steps are optional if you want to test the connected Oauth App yourself with Postman:
Generate Authorization Code
Go to: [Instance-URL]/services/oauth2/authorize?client_id=[Verbraucherschlüssel]&redirect_uri=[Callback-URL]&grant_type=authorization_code&response_type=code
- Approve the app and copy the code from the url
Generate the access token
Send a POST request to
- Body : x-www-form-urlencoded
- Parameter :
- code = generated authorization code
- grant_type = authorization_code
- client_id = [Verbraucherschlüssel]
- client_secret = [Verbrauchergeheimnis]
- redirect_uri = [Callback-URL]
Get the access_token (and refresh_token) from the response
Make API requests with authorization type : Bearer token
If the access token has expired -> generate a new one with the refresh token
Send a POST request to
- Body : x-www-form-urlencoded
- Parameter :
- grant_type = refresh_token
- refresh_token = [refresh_token]
- client_id = [Verbraucherschlüssel]